Monday, August 1, 2011

Teagan, Baby Updates & Unemployment

I've been potty training for two weeks. Last week was ok, but this week, OMG she is doing so well! No more accidents! Teagan is telling me every time she has to pee or poop. It's so cute because sometimes she can't hold it in. I am so proud of her, and she's very proud of herself too. She always reminds me not to pee, when really, she's talking to herself. My girl is so smart!

As for baby boy, we only have 3 weeks left. It's almost that time, and I'm so excited. I'm so ready for this baby to come out. I want to feel normal again. I can't wait! Not sure if I'm dilated any, but next monday I'll find out. Everything is normal and baby is growing healthy.

It's been a month since I've worked. A whole month dedicated to Teagan and cleaning my house has been very successful! I wish I can throw out more junk, but there's just too many junk to throw out. Wish I could re-decorate my house, and make it look more beautiful, but that means more money, and I haven't even gotten my unemployment benefit yet! It's taking such a long time. I realized how broke I was after I paid my bills the other day. Hopefully they get it processed soon, so I can at least get some kind of income.

Anyway, I guess one good thing about staying home is, I get a lot done. A lot actually, Teagan is potty trained, and my house is always clean. There's always food to eat. I can take Tea out to play one day out of the week. One bad thing is, I can't spend money, and I cant' drive much to save on gas. I haven't been shopping in so long, I sorta miss it, but I hope it'll become a habit.

OH MAN, I AM SO BROKE... THAT'S ALL I CAN THINK OF WHEN I AM DOING NOTHING. It's so sad. Anyway, I know God will provide...

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