Wednesday, January 30, 2013

New Years Resolution

It's been a LONG long time since I've blog, and I'm so excited to be back. I guess that's because I'm just lazy, and there's a lot to do here. My kids keep me busy, and by the time I have free time, I just want to relax and read, or nap. With that being said, I don't want to waste anymore of my time doing nothing! I want to at least blog once a week. I know that sounds very little, but hey, it's a start. I'm curious how bloggers do it everyday. Let me know when you find out.

Anyway, It's been a month since the new year began, and I've been really worried bc there's so much happening this year. Most of you know I'm unemployed and home with the kids all day long. I know that sounds easy and stress free, but trust me, you do NOT want to be in my shoes. It's hard living off of one income with two kids. As your kids grow, they seem to want more things. Also, it's going to be three kids soon. Yes, we are expecting another baby in late August. That means, we need more money. I guess I need a job. Who wants to babysit?

I'm gonna need some resolution to keep me going this year. First, we need to cut back on a lot of things. That includes junk food, things we don't need, and eating out. So far, so good. Second, I'm gonna need a job. Preferably part time, and second shift, so my husband can watch them while I work. I hate to take them to daycare, or people to watch because that means spending more money. I'm trying to save as much as possible. Third, start couponing. My husband said to only do it if the things i buy are the things we usually get. If it's not what we need or use, then there's no point of couponing. I've been trying to start, but I keep forgetting to buy the paper. How much is the paper anyway? Also, can someone teach me the basics?

Don't worry, I'm not gonna write a book! I'm gonna end it with a few pictures from this past holiday, and show off my kids. Enjoy!


  1. OMG!I did not know!!!! Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! Now I'm three kids behind!!!! Coupon is very fun and addicting and yes, only coupon for things you'll really use else it's effort and time wasted! It's pretty crazy so buckle up if you're going into the coupon world! To start, youtube hip2save and southernsavers. They really teach you the basics. Good luck!

    1. Thanks pang. I don't know why my replies an comments are not going through. This is my 3rd attempt.


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