Wednesday, April 18, 2012


It's been a while! I've been busy with my kids... the boy is very needy. He doesn't let me do anything. Let's see, its April, which means Teagan will be three years old! I cant believe she is going to be three! I am so proud of my daughter; she has always been a good, smart girl. I am going to miss my baby girl, but I'm glad she is growing nicely!

As for the full time Mom job, it's ok. I barely get anything done because Preston is so needy. He always wants someone to hold him so he can walk. Big biy cant crawl yet. He seems to be too heavy and fat for that... lol. He hates to sit, and thinks he can walk. Oh he is 8 months old now.

We are fighting to survive financially, and God always provide just enough for us to get through. We are very thankful for that, and our kids keep us thinking positive. It's funny how something so important in life can be so evil and stressful. Money, you can't live without it. I wish I was a millionaire.

Speaking of money... we recently got a black Toyota Sienna. Yes, a minivan. I've been meaning to take a picture of it, but I keep forgetting! We traded our truck for it, so basically we didn't pay more or less for it. Just an even trade. Monthly payment is still the same. So in reality, nothing's changed for us, except it's a different car!

What else is new? Oh I gotta run... below is a picture of the kids about to go egg hunt. Teagan had a fun time!

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